Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Genius New Financial Theory Developed; Spend Less Than You Make!

A ground breaking new idea was proposed today in the United States of America!

Federal Reserve Chairman
Ben Bernanke announced that the U.S. Government should begin efforts to curb record budget shortfalls.

If I could sum up this particular portion of his message it would go something like this...


The U.S. Government's unofficial (meaning; I made this up) response was...

Oh, no no no. It is much more complex than the common peon/serf in this country can understand, they will just have to trust us. The only answer is to BORROW A LOT MORE MONEY IN ORDER TO GET OUT OF DEBT, DUH!

Ben Bernanke unofficially responded with the following:

Not to be out done the U.S. Government unofficially responded with:

Upon reviewing the documents and ideas presented, each side unofficially determined that enough progress had been made for the time being and decided to take some time off to unofficially work on pending real estate transactions...