Thursday, May 14, 2009

Common Sense - The Dictionary Definition

The dictionary definition of the term common sense is as follows:

Common Sense 


Sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said once that Common Sense is "genius dressed in its working clothes".

Perhaps, for our day and time Will Rogers described it best saying, "common sense ain't common".

Amen Will Rogers, AMEN!

This blog is going to be dedicated to discussing many examples of the severe lack of Common Sense or principled thought and action displayed by many citizens in the United States of America, including those having positions in the U.S. Federal Government, State Governments, and Local Governments.

It will also be used to discuss how the U.S. Media (all forms) routinely tramples Common Sense beneath its feet to ensure fiscal prosperity.

I hope it can inspire people to stop outsmarting themselves and enable them to adhere to the dictates of their own conscience in place of having their conscience molded by those around them in positions of wealth and power and their associated agendas.

I hope you like it. If not, I am sure I will hear about it!

1 comment:

  1. Many people take a simple solution and then think it to death until it becomes so complicated no one knows how to do anything! Look at the thousands of books they have to describe what the law is. Crazy! And the tax code - what a jumbled mess that is. What happened to just doing the right thing?
